Professional Photographer - Senior Pictures - Wedding - Lighting Bryan Photography

Professional Photographer - Senior Pictures - Wedding - Lighting Bryan Photography
Professional Photographer - Senior Pictures - Wedding - Lighting Bryan Photography

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Alex photo on the FRONT PAGE OF Flickr

So an amazing thing happened today. I post Alex Butler's photo on Flickr yesterday. This was my first REAL time putting a photo on some type of photo sharing site. It was featured on the FRONT OPENING PAGE!!! WOW I was shocked to see that. Someone sent me a picture of the front page of Flickr! Here is what he sent:

It was also featured on the front page of Flickr Explore (The place to go to find interesting pictures).

 AND on Friday it was named one of the top 50 photos on Flickr.

I could not have done it without my wife (aka a voice activated light stand). And a thanks goes out to Alex.

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