Professional Photographer - Senior Pictures - Wedding - Lighting Bryan Photography

Professional Photographer - Senior Pictures - Wedding - Lighting Bryan Photography
Professional Photographer - Senior Pictures - Wedding - Lighting Bryan Photography

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jordan's Soul (the band) Photo Shoot


This band was a lot of fun to shoot. Except the for the homeless man that would not leave. He would not let us do our thing. Even tried to jump into our picture. He insisted that we watch him perform a magic trick. He did the "rub the nickel on his arm" and watch it disappear. He soon left. All in All this was an awesome shot. I have to say this is an attractive bunch of people. Watch from them playing at the Wine Cellar on May 29th!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sneak Peak of the Band Jordan's Soul

This is the sneak peak of my shoot with the band Jordan's Soul.

more to come

This Band was a lot of fun to shoot. I can't wait to hear them.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Booze and Earl Greyhound

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This was one of the BEST concerts that I have ever been too (if not the best!)
OK GO is incredible. Buy their new album Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky

^^ Click the PLAY button above to see the slide show ^^